Small Business Owners: The Future Might Not Be All That Uncertain

If you are like most small business owners, you find it difficult to plan because your future has more unknowns than your non-business-owning counterparts. You might not know how much your business is...

Lessen The Impact Of Taxes On Your Tax-Deferred Retirement Assets

Note from Phil Aderton, VP Sales IZALE: I interviewed Chris Fehr, another Lion Street Owner, when I realized that he could share specific information for IZALE clients on a personal level. Chris is the owner of Freedom Financial Wealth & Tax in Springfield, IL. We...

One Of Florida’s Top Tax Reduction Specialists, Chris Fehr, Co-Authors New Book To Cut Taxes And Avoid Wealth Mistakes

Sarasota, FL - August 20, 2019 "Building wealth is a difficult task today. There are twelve major obstacles...


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